Drivers and Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility by the Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh
Corporate Social Responsibility, Mobile Telecommunication industry, TaxAbstract
Corporate social responsibility must be perceived in a new way, where the corporate success and social welfare would not be a zero sum game. Heightened attention to CSR made by the corporations has not been entirely voluntary. The prime objective of the study is to explore the extent of Corporate Social Responsibility by the Mobile Telecom companies in Bangladesh, with a view to project the drivers, dimensions, strategies and improvement in their CSR initiatives and reporting. This article have selected examples (cases) of top three telecom operators- Grameen Phone, Banglalink and Axiata (Robi) to represent the best practice to render socil responsibility in the telecommunication industry. All three companies see CSR as a way of contributing to sustainable development and when analyzing major drivers behind CSR it was revealed that ‘External factors related to changes in business environment’ was identified by all three as being the main motivation. It is also revealed from the study none of the three mobile telecom operators enjoy tax benefit, due to the complicacy of the law for availing tax benefit.While corporate social responsibility is by definition the task of companies, governments have a role to play in fostering a climate where companies are encouraged to meet this responsibility.